Wednesday Wisdom: I'm a b*tch and so are you…
If you wanted your dog to lose weight, you'd take it for more walks and feed it less.
If you wanted your dog to be more resilient, you would walk it in the rain and when it's tired.
If you wanted to make a dog more intelligent, you would teach it tricks like 'sit', 'hi-5', roll over and 'jump'.
If you wanted your dog to be hard working, you would work it every day.
If you wanted your dog to be smarter, you would give it increasingly harder problems to solve.
If you wanted your dog to be faster, you would take it for fetch and sprints.
You’re a dog and life is your owner.
It's too easy to look at other people, or pets, and say what you would change and do to make them better.
But pretend you are them and get to work on yourself.
Use my workouts and body transformation programs to get you there!