Wednesday Wisdom: 48 Laws Of Transformation
I have just finished one of the most eye opening books that I have read to date, The 48 Laws Of Power by Robert Greene.
A deep dive into power and I want to share a few with you to push you along your body transformation.
Law 9) Win through your actions, never through argument.
Do. The. Work. Nothing substitutes the work. You can talk about working out but that won't build any muscle.
You can talk about eating healthy but you must follow that up with changes to your shopping list.
Law 29) Plan to the end
Starting a diet is easy but sticking to it is hard.
Working out 4x per week is easy but doing that for years is hard.
When you start something, have the end in mind and ask yourself if it is sustainable for you. If it is, kick on. If it isn't, there's no real point in starting it.
Law 47) Do not go past the mark you aim for.
Once you successfully achieve a goal, stop. Don't try to lose more weight...yet. Don't try to build more muscle... yet. Think of what you want to achieve long term and adjust the plan from there.
Just like a plane readjusts their flight path constantly, we must be doing the same with our fitness.
Our 20 year old self, has different goals to our 30 year old self.
Our 30 year old self has different goals to our 40 year old self.
Act accordingly.
Law 49) Transforming your body happens faster in Team Brock Ashby (he forgot to mention this law in his book).
Having a coach behind you that has coached thousands of people to success, reduces your potential to make mistakes and waste time treading water.
Hit the button below and hire me as your coach and get results faster!