Motivation Monday: Baby Travel Diaries

My wife, my daughter and I travelled to the Gold Coast of Australia this weekend for a wedding.

As exciting as it was top travel for the first time as a trio, there are many unknowns...

How will she be on the plane?

How will she be staying at the AirBnB she's not familiar with?

How will she be at the ceremony of the wedding?

How will she be at the reception?

What is she going to eat the entire time?

Will she even sleep?

Are we going to run out of nappies?

There are many questions that we were asking ourselves as we embarked on this mission and to be honest...

She was better than she would normally be at home 😳

She slept on both flights to the Gold Coast and back.

She also slept all the way through the blaring music on the dance floor of the reception.

She ate whatever we ate and had some milk from mum.

She crawled through the airport and smiled at strangers.

She danced with us on the dance floor and met some cousins she hadn't met before.

All this to say, you truly don't know until you try.

Growth only happens when you're uncomfortable, and for us as parents, this weekend we found out by taking action and doing that our daughter (and us as parents) are more resilient than we think!

The same goes for your fitness journey.

You can't lose fat or build muscle by reading instagram posts, studying anatomy or watching youtube videos of your favourite workouts.

You have to put your activewear on and get moving.

Get uncomfortable and start putting in the work in Team Brock Ashby to get world class results. Hit the button below to check out our programs to get you transforming!


Wednesday Wisdom: The Secret To Get Ahead Of The Rest


Facts Friday: Injuries & Why You Have Nothing To Worry About