Motivation Monday: Your Mess Is Your Message

We all have our stories.

We grow up poor.

We grow up with one parent, or no parents.

We were bullied in school.

We were the jock at high school that puffed up their chest out to look like we had our sh*t together but deep down we were hurt.

Whatever it was, we all have our stories, our pain, our insecurities and baggage.

But let me tell you that your mess is your message.

I've shared my story with a ton of people personally that have also lost a parent and it helped them feel less like an alien, less like a deflated balloon, less like an outcast.

What you have gone through, and are going through, is what makes you...YOU.

Use it to inspire others and ultimately use it as fuel to drive you to your goals.

There isn't a day in mind that I'm not using to make my mother proud and prove to others that there is another option to being the victim.

Easier said than done, I know, but what is the alternative?

Feeling sorry for yourself and slumping around? No thanks, I'm better than that and so are you.

Use your mess to become your message!


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