Wisdom Wednesday: What We Can Learn From The Optus Outage
Today 10,000,000 people around Australia lost coverage of phone service and wifi.
400,000 businesses were impacted.
I was one of them.
Optus sh*t itself and had an outage.
It lasted for several hours and left me feeling unproductive between wifi spots (I only lost phone service, not wifi, as i'm with a different company) which I really don't enjoy the feeling of.
I couldn't call my wife, Facetime my daughter, email my clients, Whatsapp my personalised 1-1 clients, I couldn't upload programs or contact staff etc etc.
It was pretty stressful for a minute.
I'm all in on this 'online coaching thing' and for that to work, I need data when I'm on the move.
When a table loses a leg, it loses stability and is more likely to topple over.
When a table loses multiple legs, it's destined to fall over.
Although the service back up and running, it couldn't help me think that this is what people do when they do EXTREME fitness routines, whether that be diet, training or both.
They're all in on the keto diet, it flops as they feel so deprived of eating any carbs and the table falls over.
They're all in on training twice per day, they miss a day and the table topples over.
They're all in on 'I must sleep 8 hours a night to be optimally recovered', they have a child and no longer sleep 8 hours, the table topples over.
We must have more legs to the table, which is why I utilise workouts, nutrition, steps, sleep, hydration, warm ups, education and accountability in all of my programs.
The table has at least eight legs to stand on, so if one falls, the table will still stand.
Your fitness will still be in tact.
Hit the button below to keep your table upright and get results with me as your coach.