The Best Thing To Hit My Skin, Has Hit!

Finally I get to write this e-mail with air conditioning blowing on my skin.

The 40 degree celsius day yesterday really kicked my a$$.

You really only appreciate the cold with the hot.

You only appreciate the good with the bad.

You only appreciate great company when you know the depths of loneliness.

Just like you only appreciate a good personal trainer, if you've experienced one that doesn't get you results, provide you with a program or reply to your emails.

I was astounded when I discovered that most of the personal trainers that I worked with in commercial gyms didn't:

- provide training programs
- provide nutrition guidance
- check-in with their clients
- better their education
- stay off their phones in personal training sessions

The bar was so low, which lead me to doing 50-60 personal training sessions per day for years on end.

So if you've had a bad experience with a personal trainer before, leave it in the past because everything you didn't get with your previous trainer, you will get with me.

Especially the results!


A Man Called Otto Hit Me In The Feels 🥲


My B*lls Are Sweaty, Moms Spaghetti