Caught With My Pants Down On Jan 1st
I know the last thing that you want to do on new years day is read a bloody marketing email but today I've come to the realisation that I don't have a new years resolution.
I haven't had time yet to sit down and think about how 2023 was and how I want 2024 to look like.
I've had a couple of people ask for a new years resolution and I haven't had anything worth saying.
What I want to achieve is 'more of the same'.
And that's fine.
When you're sure that the ladder is on the right wall, it's not about moving the ladder. It's about climbing it.
You could be in this exact position.
You don't have a life changing transition that you need to make or habit you need to break but you just need to keep showing up and putting your head down.
It doesn't feel exciting, or new, but guess what? Success isn't about the exciting or new.
Success is about doing the stuff that matters over and over again repetitively, whether it's Jan 1st or August 17th.
2024 doesn't have to be different or the turning of a new page. It could just be you in the middle of a chapter, working to end it.
Keep that in mind this year.
Happy new years 💪