Life Lessons From a 30 Year Old... F#%k off 😂
The most salient point from my latest podcast would have to be what I have now called 'The 90 Year Old Rear View Mirror.'
Imagine yourself at 90 years old.
Wrinkly balls, sagging boobs, living at an old persons home... the lot.
As this 90 year old version of yourself, look back at how your life has panned out and ask yourself questions like:
What do I care about now? Could it be the ability to walk, how many friends and family come and visit you or if you can wipe your ass on your own?
What did I care about when I was younger, that I no longer care about? Did you spend too much money and effort impressing other people you don't even know with money you didn't really have?
Who is still visiting me today? Did you value quality time with people that really care for you or people that just want an ear to offload into and you just took all of their $shit until they don't need you any more?
Did I value my body and the ability I have to use it? Did you lift weights to increase your bone density, or eat a high protein diet to prevent your muscle mass from degrading?
These are just a few questions that I would ask myself as a 90 year old that have already helped me guide myself through the first four days of 2024.
If you foresee yourself at 90 years old regretting that you didn't prioritise the bag of muscle and bones we walk around in every single day, then it's time to change.
Join Team Brock Ashby today to get you into the best shape of your life in 2024, so you don't have to worry about 2094 and how frail you will be.
Hit the blue button below to begin today!