The Secret I Have Been Keeping For 3 Weeks 🥋
I've kept a secret for the last 3 weeks.
Every Tuesday and Thursday at about midday I have been ducking off to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Don't get me wrong, I love getting strong in the gym and I love building muscle with weights training but I really want to apply the strength that I'm building and put it to use.
Let me tell you first hand, when you are first starting out like me atm, it sucks.
You get choked out.
You get tapped out.
You have no idea what you're doing.
You get thrown around like a rag doll and are trying to survive like you've been thrown into a lions cage 🤣
And apparently this happens for the first 2 years of the sport.
Today I got choked out by a black belt, a purple belt and a blue belt in a tournament where as soon as you get tapped, you go straight into another fight.
So yeah I was literally scrambling around like a headless chicken for 30mins, sweating my a$$ off trying to protect my neck like it was all I had to live for.
So yeah, today sucked.
But there's a feeling that I have deep down that absolutely loves it.
This is actually where I thrive in life, when I'm the worst in the room.
When I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I'm like a sponge absorbing all the moves, knowledge and tips the professor shares with me.
When I look back at my life, every time I have really grown in life is when I have been the worst in the room.
When I first became a PT in Auckland and was freshly qualified, I had no experience, no clients, no business background but 3 months later I was the busiest trainer in the gym.
When I relocated in Sydney to become a PT, the same thing happened. No friends, no clients, no members knew who I was and in three months, I was one of the busiest trainers on the gym.
When I first went 100% online as a personal trainer, Im going to be honest with you, I pretty much bankrupted myself investing in my business with websites, courses and employing people to help with the workload and I worked my ass off to get to a position where my fiancé and I were able to buy our first property a year later and I have put the rest of the dough back into the business.
I'm not saying this to gloat.
Nothing I have achieved to date is very impressive.
But what I will say is that the biggest changes in my life have only ever occurred when I have been put in a position where I have to change.
And so often we put ourselves in these positions when we are young and ambitious but as we get older we become too cool for that.
So I'm sending this email to you today to wake you the f**k up and tell you that you're not too cool to grow.
If you're not growing, you're dying.
All you have to do is look outside to the trees and flowers outside to see that.
So stop being complacent and put yourself in a position to grow.
Get uncomfortable.
And if you want me to help you as your coach doing that, join through the website.
I love that quote so much, I'm going to say it again.
If you're not growing, you're dying.