I Can't Shake This... It Has To Be Said 🙏
For the last week or so I haven't been to able shake this quote out of my head.
And today, I realised I had to share this with you after attending a funeral this morning and losing a loved one back home a couple of weeks ago.
"Young or old, we will all end up in a hole."
I know this quote is harsh and abrupt but for some reason, I find this so powerful.
It seems so obvious and so simple, yet it speaks to me.
And the reason I find this so powerful is because of the perspective that I look at this quote with.
You can look at death, which is inevitable, and feel disempowered and defeated and accept your fate and just kind of go through the motions with your head down.
You can look at it and see it as an opportunity to live every day as if it could be your last because tomorrow is never promised.
That doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt, upset you, make you feel lost and confused when you lose someone or get close to death but it means you can live the limited days you have left on earth with zeal, passion and excitement.
So many people live as if they are going to be here forever.
"I'll get around to it."
"I'll do it later."
"What's the rush?"
This is what they say, not acknowledging the immense blessing we have just to wake up in the morning and breathe oxygen through our nostrils.
So if you're unsure and sitting on the fence, do it.
If you're waiting for something to happen, get off your a$$ and pursue it.
If you're wondering, take action.
If you're wandering, direct your steps.
And if you're on the fence of joining Team Brock Ashby, join today because there has never been a better time to do it.