Secrets to maintaining a physique at a high level 🏆
For a long time, I've done my best to maintain and progress my physique that I have built over 14 years of training.
Sure, I have great genetics but that wouldn't mean $hit if I didn't put it in the work.
Sure, I've had active jobs but so do many people that are overweight.
Sure, I don't have kids but I have also coached tons of clients with kids that have successfully maintained a solid physique.
There is a way and these are 10 keys to maintaining a physique that you're happy with ⬇️
1. Consistent workouts taken close to failure.
2. A healthy balanced diet that was NOT taken to extremes such as extreme binging or extreme restriction.
3. Adequate sleep of 7-9 hours. I often fall between 5-7 hours but I really do my best.
4. 8,000 - 10,000 steps per day. That's my non-negotiable.
5. Keep your pee relatively clear, which is a sure sign that you are adequately hydrated.
6. Do your best! A walk is better than no workout. 6 hours of sleep is better than 4. etc etc etc
7. Eat a high protein diet. This MUST be focused on. Most of us will not prioritise protein intake which is why a lot of people struggle to maintain their muscle mass or even build any from their workouts.
8. Find a form of exercise you enjoy and stick to it.
9. Focus on progress. Lifting heavier, getting stronger, improving form, being more consistent, consuming healthier meals. This never stops.
10. Don't stop learning. The more you learn, the better you get. That goes for everything. One finance book could change the wealth of your family and future generations. Just like one video from the Team Brock Ashby exercise library could change your outlook on tempo, progressive overload or flexible dieting.
Hit the link here to check out details on the Built By Brock Members Only 8 Week Challenge. It's open now but kicks off on Jan 17th which includes every single one of these 10 points wrapped up in an amazing 8 week experience with others to get you YOUR results you've always wanted.