Call me that and I'll slap you in the face 👋💥
At the start of each year, every online personal trainer is pulling their pants down to get you to buy their product.
Jumping around like crazy to get your attention with bright colours, discounts, sales and guilting you into making you feel like enjoying yourself over the holidays was a bad idea.
So I don't want to be another "fitness influencer" trying to sell you a product.
*Also if you call me a fitness influencer, I may slap you.
I'm a coach that gets paid to get Team Brock Ashby members results.
I'm not promoting you any skinny teas or fat loss coffee.*
Look at me as your mate, telling you that Christmas only happens once a year and it's okay to relax a bit and workout a bit less than usual, eat a bit more than usual, drink a bit more than usual.
But what I will say is that if you want 2022 to look different, you need to do different things. So get that $hit out of your system because it's already 3 days into 2022!
I don't care whether it's the new year or it's July 26th, I'll give you the same simple and honest advice when I you need to hear it.
Which is why I think people around me value my opinion when I give it because it's always my truth.
So here's my truth for you today.
The Built By Brock Members Only 8 Week Challenge officially opens today on Jan 3rd.
The 2 week Challenge Prep Program just started.
This is your chance to kick off the year by gaining some positive momentum in your life.
You have workouts ✅
You have calories and macros sorted ✅
You have educational videos ✅
You have exercise tutorial videos ✅
You have support by email and FB group ✅
You have access to me and my team to get you to your goal ✅
This is your opportunity to finally get the results that you have been after for a long, long time.
I'm not guilt-tripping you into this, I don't work like that.
If you feel like you should be doing this, do it. If not, you'll join another time when you're ready.
I'm not selling you a product, I'm providing you with an 8-10 week experience that could change your life physically, socially and mentally.
This isn't a challenge where you sign up and get spit out with no idea what just happened and no points of contact.
Whatever you put in, you will get out.
I put my word on that.
Click here to get started TODAY!