Best Paintball Strategy, Aim vs. Power & The Middle Pocket Vortex 🎱🕳

First day back at work after my bucks weekend.

It was everything I ever wanted and very different to most peoples bucks weekend!

BBQ's every night, cook up breakfasts every morning and good mates and family with a ton of games.

Played volleyball, foot volleyball, up-ball, backyard cricket, go karting and a few more but here's a few lessons you can takeaway from the bucks weekend.

1. Play to the table.

We had a billiard table in the air bnb but the table was concave. So it sunk down into the middle and the balls were always favouring the middle pockets like they had a gravitational pull. There was no way to fix it, so we had to play it as is.

The boys who used the tables shape to their advantage won.

The boys who complained about the table and complained it wasn't legit, lost.

You can complain as much as you want about the situation you are in but complaints don't change your situation, actions do.

2. The best defence is offence.

On Saturday we played paintball. Everything went well until I had to do the bucks run and have 20 people unload thousands of paintballs my way.

But I asked the owner what the best way to defend your base was and he said to me, "Mate, the best way to defend is to attack double as hard."

And I couldn't agree more for living life.

Attack more than you defend.

Attacking gives you the power and ability to run the game as opposed to sitting, waiting and defending just to let other people decide your fate.

3. Aim is more important than power.

On Sunday, we played soccer golf.

It's exactly what you think it is, playing golf with your feet and a soccer ball.

And the secret was not to be the most powerful but to be the most accurate.

I've got strong legs but I did not win, and neither did the others with the most strength.

Jamie, ex footballer, ended up winning but Dave came second and he was using his left foot and he was right footed. Which showed power meant nothing and accuracy meant nothing,

You can kick a ball as hard as you want but with the wrong aim, you will never score a goal.

You can learn something from anything if you have the eyes to see opportunity.

And I make this process easy for you if you need to know anything when it comes to online personal training.

Hit the button here to find out for yourself!


Oh... The Years I Wasted 😮‍💨


Brock Ashby a.k.a 'The Seed Planter' 👨🏻‍🌾