Getting My Kit Off For $2,000 😜
Today my team and I received an email…
This is what it said 👇
$2,000 to take a selfie video in another brands underwear and a total of $4,000 if it does well.
That’s a decent amount of money.
That’s a good pay check to an app developer to help me continue to build the best personal training platform in the world.
That’s a lavish weekend holiday away with my wife.
That’s about half an entry level Rolex.
I could do a lot with $4,000 but the reason I won’t take it is because I’m betting on you joining Team Brock Ashby, getting the results of your life and me earning my salary that way.
I’d way rather make my living coaching you to your best physique ever than filming a selfie video in my bloody underwear hugging my knob.
So I’ll leave that money on the table and ask you one question…
I’m not even asking you to sign up.
Just have a look at my Built By Brock 8 Week Challenge landing page, snoop around and consider signing up.
That’s all I want from you.
I don't want to get my kit off to pay the bills 😂
Thank you, Brock 💪