Meatheads are my kind of people 😅
When I was in Brisbane last weekend, I had the itching underneath my skin that I needed to get a workout in.
I sent my old client Butch, who's a physio in Brisbane, a message and asked him if there are any good gyms nearby and he said that I could try Worlds.
Check it out 👇
Holy $hit it was amazing.
Multiple machines for every muscle group.
Dumbbells going all the way up to 60kg.
Over 10 squat racks.
But the thing I loved the most was the 'meathead' atmosphere.
Everyone was training hard and in the zone.
Environment is contagious.
I had the same feeling when I visited Golds Gym in Venice beach in 2019 too, the bodybuilding mindset radiates through the air.
You can't help but hit personal bests.
Even though I was training alone and didn't know anyone at the gym, I felt home.
Regardless of where you are, how you are impacts you the most.
And if you're not happy with where you are, how you are can get you out of your situation.
If you're not happy with the extra 5kg you're carrying, how you approach getting that 5kg off can determine your outcome. Successful or not.
Team Brock Ashby cannot change where you are straight away but give me 8 weeks and I can change your 'how'.
How you approach fat loss...
How you apply progressive overload...
How many calories you eat or don't eat...
How you do each exercise...
I give you the HOW so you can change your WHERE.
Get started today and smash the Built By Brock 8 Week Challenge by clicking here.