Wisdom Wednesday: How To Stop Life From F**king You

Wisdom Wednesday: How To Stop Life From F**king You

One thing that I have been doing a lot less lately is reading and educating myself though my research studies which I usually pride myself in.

It's been a rollercoaster of a few weeks with competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) competitions and keeping my training up for them, family being over from New Zealand and Gold Coast and having a newborn.

I'm also negotiating a Team Brock Ashby HQ here in Sydney, which I will keep you in the loop with.

I'm not complaining, I'm just sharing this because I think it's important to understand the balance of life.

Sometimes we have to dedicate more time to our work.

More time to our family.

More time to our mental health.

More time to our physical health.

More time to our studies.

Our life is not a pie cut in perfect quarters.

It's more like a garden that you have to keep watering to your best ability.

Sometimes you will need to water other plants more than others.

Sometimes you may neglect a plant too much and it will wither.

Sometimes you will overwater a plant and it will drown.

The most important thing you must do, is do your best.

Studying has been a plant that was well watered and is now withering away as I focus on other areas of my life but it it will be watered soon, when my life allows.

If you feel like a clown juggling too many balls, maybe you need to put a few balls down and focus on the balls that really matter in your life and juggle those.

Here's a quote I want to marinate in your mind today because it gets across really well what I'm trying to say here today:

"Because when we give too many f*cks, when we choose to give a f*ck about everything, then we feel as though we are perpetually entitled to feel comfortable and happy at all times, that's when life f*cks us." - Mark Manson.

Hit the button below if you need to water your 'body transformation plant' 👇


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