Wisdom Wednesday: You Are Just Like A Tiger In Cage
Last night I was up talking with my wife and we were talking about how we went to the zoo on her bday, which was nice but, for me, deeply sad.
If we told our hunter-gatherer selves that we have a place called 'The Zoo' to look at animals stuck in a cage that we should be living in harmony with, they would laugh in our face.
And although zoos do a great job to raise awareness about endangered species and what we can do to make a change for the animals who can't speak, it feels as if we have taken it too far.
Animals are meant to be out there hunting for food, creating environments to grow and progress their families and marking territory but instead they are sleeping and trying to hide or jumping through hoops for a piece of meat.
It makes me really sad.
And the more I think about it, the more I think we are doing the same things to ourselves.
Instead of getting up every day with a pep in your step, you roll out of bed and drag yourself to a job you're not excited about.
Instead of working out, you watch Netflix and pass by time doom-scrolling.
Instead of eating unprocessed and nutrient dense foods, you eat quick, convenient, high-sugar foods that make you over eat.
Instead of walking to the grocery store for 15mins, you drive two mins.
Instead of going to sleep when you should, you push it by watching another episode.
I'm not trying to make you feel guilty at all, I'm trying to draw attention to the person who we are becoming versus the person we could be.
Convenience is convenient but that doesn't mean it is better for us.
What is better for us often means inconveniencing ourselves now for a convenient future.
Do what is easy today and tomorrow will be hard. Do what is hard today and tomorrow will be easy.
So make today hard by clinking the link below at getting your hands on one of my programs to get that pep back in your step!