Motivational Monday: Training To Failure Is Ruining Your Gains 🤯
Hey mate,
Had a cup-filling weekend celebrating our nephews 2nd birthday at a Wiggles Birthday party and being surrounded by family.
Feeling really good about hitting the week with a big dose of motivation and I hope I can do the same to you with this email.
I recently made a youtube video, the thumbnails below, on why you need to strop training to failure.
Let me explain...
You know the saying "less is more"? It's along those lines.
Let's look at a 4 week training program like a Marathon.
If you sprint from the start, you'll crash and burn but if you build your pace up as you close in on the finish line, you will perform your best.
Hit the thumbnail below to get the more detailed version of what I just said!
This isn't your typical 'motivational' email but I like to look at it like this.
An email that gives you the practical solution to a problem is better than an email that inspires you to take action, without giving you the action to take.
P.s. My current 8 Week Challenge begins on Monday, hit the button below for more details, what you get and what you can win for transforming your body!