Facts Friday: Saying No To Free Money

This is a screenshot from a company that e-mailed for a paid collaboration.

Requesting my fees and analytics for them to see if I would be a good fit to promote their products.

Truth is, I haven't done a paid collaboration since around 2019/2020 and here's why:

- Many products that approach me, don't fit with what I actually like or would use in my personal life.

- If I promote products that I don't resonate with, I lose my trust with you (and my clients, audience, friends and even family) as it dilutes what I say. You know who I am and if you see me take an extreme left turn to promote something, I'll lose your respect (which I've spent years to get).

- I would rather promote my products and services because I know they work and bring results PLUS it feeds back into Team Brock Ashby which can help fund things I need to do for the business (like build a gym, hire a web developer, pay employees etc).

So I'm not trying to tell you how much of a good person I am by turning down advertisement revenue, I'm trying to tell you that I really stand by my programs and if you do want to lose fat or build muscle, you should try them.

They're better than any teeth whitening, fat burning powder, bitcoin app that I would ever get requested to promote.

Hit the button below to see what program is for you!


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