Wednesday Wisdom (On A Friday): Dieting + Training Vs. Dieting Alone

Quick one from me today.

My daughters catching her first flight today, so emotions are heightened, and in pure eight month old baby fashion, she was up at 2am wanting to play.

So here I am writing this email on three hours sleep.

Anyway, back to the fitness.

If you're interested in losing weight, you also need to get interested in lifting weights.

You are more likely to lose weight and sustain it if you are in a calorie deficit plus doing exercise, than you would just by dieting alone.

You'll also preserve more of your hard earned muscle which will do wopnders for your body composition (more muscle, less fat).

And if you want to achieve this fat loss but have no program to do it with, hit the blue button below and I can help you out with that.

That's all from me folks!


Facts Friday: Injuries & Why You Have Nothing To Worry About


Motivation Monday (Late Again, I Know): Your Gym Dad