Wednesday Wisdom: Which One Are You On The Ladder?

"There’s three types of people on a ladder, one at the bottom, one at the middle, one at the top. Which is the best one to be? The one that’s still climbing."

I read this the other day in an email list that I am on and this is what fitness is all about.

Shredded with 7% body fat or still having 15kg to lose, it does not matter. What matters is that you're climbing the ladder.

Strongest dude in the gym or first time at the gym, doesn't matter. keep climbing that ladder.

Genetics can only get you so far, the work ethic that you have will do the rest.

Oh, and the program you follow. So if you're still not on a Team Brock Ashby Program, you might be putting in a lot of work for little return.

Let's change that now, get your program with the button below!


Facts Friday: This is for certain - and will never change...


Monday Motivation: Oil Leaks, Being Broke & Selling Thongs