What You Need To Do, Isn't What You Used To Do 💡

I have been thinking a lot about what we need to do get to where we want to be.

It can be many things but one thing it isn't, is what you did from zero to one.

Getting from 50 to 100 is very different from getting your first bit of momentum.

Let's put it simply, to lose your first kilogram of fat is pretty easy. All you have to do is take your steps from 6,000 per day to 10,000 per day for a week and that's that.

To lose your last kg of fat, you have to eat in a calorie deficit with a high protein and fibre diet, lift weights regularly, sleep 7-9 hours, manage your stress, follow a structured program and maintain this for two to four weeks.

"What we need to do, isn't what we used to."

Another great example of this is the belt system in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

To get your white belt in Jiu Jitsu, you just need to sign up to your local gym and start training.

To get your blue belt, the next belt up, you need to train consistently for 1-2 years.

To get your purple belt you need to train for another 2-3 years.

To get your brown belt it's another 2-3 years.

To get your black belt, it's another 3-4 years.

Even though this is just time based, what your're doing at each belt level is vastly different.

At white belt, you are spazzing out, getting beat up and trying to survive for a year.

At blue belt, you are developing better technique and beginning to understand the game more (this is currently where I am at now).

At purple belt, you basically know everything there is to know about Jiu Jitsu because you have already been doing it for five to seven years.

At brown belt, you are making everything tight and adding your own finesse and touch to the art form.

The actions we take early on are different to what we need to take as we progress further down the path.

If you're stuck, stop trying to repeat the same stuff you did that worked back then because it doesn't work now.

Imagine trying to be a pro soccer player and playing the same way you do at your local club, on the trials to play for Real Madrid. You have to level up.

If you are stationary, stagnant and not going anywhere, it's time you tried what you haven't already. It's time to join Team Brock Ashby.

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