Unpopular Truth You Don't Want To Hear About Training
Training starts off fun.
Training with your mates and have a laugh while lifting. This was my whole high school lunch times with my school mates. Laughing at penis jokes between sets.
Big strides of progress early on.
New exercises and new modalities keep it exciting.
A journey of discovery of how close you like to train to failure begins.
But this is not how it is for ever because there is a difference between having fun and getting jacked.
You start off training with mates but in order to make undeniable progress there are going to be days that you are training solo and everything feels like a grind. You must show up, whether you have slept six hours or four.
Progress is massive early on but as you transition from beginner to intermediate to advanced, progress is so much harder to make as you get closer to the ceiling of your genetic potential like walking up a mountain where the gradient never flattens.
New exercises and modalities lose their novelty. As you strive to achieve the zenith of your physique, you have to get specific and that means repeating the same handful of exercises over and over again as you stick to lifting weights and apply progressive overload.
You can jump from modality to modality, lifting weights to running to F45, but you'll never look as good as you 'could have' if you stuck it out with lifting weights.
This whole idea reminds me of personal trainers that start out their career on the gym floor trying to help people at a commercial gym because 'fitness is their passion'. Then as soon as Fitness First says, "your $400 rent is due", that passion soon evaporates and so does their career.
Passion is great for your career but just like fun for working out, it is a starter ingredient to the recipe of running a well put together business. You still need to "bake the cake", as they say.
Training is fulfilling.
Training is rewarding.
Training is not fun for me anymore.
You'll find yourself here one day and when you do, know that my programs are here to get you further up the mountain of progress than you have ever been because if you still treat training like it's a 'fun thing to do', I can almost guarantee you're in a plateau.
P.s. I'm not trying to bring your morale down, just align your expectations with what happens a few years in. Better to see the trojan horse for what it really is.