My Fitness Philosophy After 14 Years In The Game 👴🏼
I've been transforming my body for 14 years.
That's a bloody long time and here's a few things I have learnt.
1. Tracking calories is a must.
I’m a huge fan of tracking calories. It’s not about being "obsessed" about calories, it’s about being aware of what you’re putting into your body and the nourishment, or lack of nourishment, that it’s providing for your body. You also don’t have to track your calories for your entire life, but tracking for at least 8 weeks will open your eyes to the nutritional value of food that can help you "guess" the calories of the meals that sit in front of you every day. A lot of people get pi$$ed off when I tell them to track their calories because it seems time consuming but let me tell you whats more time consuming than tracking calories, not getting results for years.
2. Lifting weights is a must.
Im a huge fan of resistance training. Not because I think everyone needs to be buff but because being strong has a ripple effect on your mental and spiritual health too. It also gives you an inner strength that increases your confidence. I haven't even mentioned the positive impacts it has on you as you age to prevent you from becoming fragile and throwing your hip out in your elder years. Lifting weights increases bone density which pays dividends as your hair gets greyer.
3. Something is better than nothing.
If you can’t workout, go for a run. If you can’t go for a run, go for a walk. If you can’t go for a walk, do 10 push ups before bed. If you can't do 10 push ups before bed at least get a good nights sleep. Something is better than nothing. This applies to everything in life!
4. One hot day doesn't make a summer.
If you have one bad meal, that doesn’t need to turn into a bad day and spiral out of control. Getting "back on the horse" is one of the most unspoken about strengths behind every successful body transformation. You have to be consistent and be self aware enough to slap yourself in the face when you're acting like a child and throwing your toys out of the cot.
5. Walk more (preferably outside), sleep more, relax more and see friends and family frequently
If there's pillars that are responsible for helping us live a high quality life they would have to be high levels of physical activity, getting some sun on our skin, sleeping adequately, stressing as little as possible and being a part of a community. These are some of the key factors of people living in The Blue Zone, which represents the longest living populations in the world.
6. Nothing can replace hard work.
When I use my lifting belt when squatting and deadlifting I get red marks on my body. Bruising from it pushing against my body that show up as red marks on my hips and stomach. I like them because they remind me of the work that’s required of me to better myself. Not only in the gym but in all aspects of life. Work costs us energy, effort, time and resource but I believe we are rewarded proportionately to how much work we are willing to put in. More work = more results. It's that simple.
There's a ton more that I have learned but if I wrote them all out you would be reading an encyclopaedia.
But what I have done is talked about all of the cheat codes that I've figured out, recorded them on video and put the educational content in every single one of my programs in Team Brock Ashby.
So if you haven't already, get on board Team Brock Ashby and fast track your results from 14 years of figuring this out on my own by clicking here.