Why you're not building muscle in 5 steps 🍕

When I sit down to write these emails, I think how I can get you to take action.

How I can motivate you, so that today becomes 'the day'.

So instead of giving you a motivational quote, a story about my past or a pep talk, here's some facts on how to build muscle and gain weight (if you want to):

1. Eat in a conservative calorie surplus.

The more food you eat, does not translate to the more muscle you will build.

If you're dirty bulking, you're making a huge mistake (and getting unnecessarily fat).

Stick to a conservative calorie surplus of 5% above maintenance and build from there!

However, if you're a hard gainer I would start you at 20% calorie surplus and build from there.

2. Eat a high protein diet.

Protein is the foundation that our diet should stand on.

Like the foundation of a house, without it, your physique will not stand on stable land.

Eat somewhere within 1.5g - 2.5g of protein per kg of bodyweight, per day.

I prefer to sit higher on that scale from 2g - 2.5g but do what suits your lifestyle.

3. Eat consistently throughout the day.

No meal skipping!

The more consistently you are eating, the more likely you are to eat sufficient calories to support muscle building.

Also, the more you have a consistent flow of protein throughout your day, the easier it is to build muscle and under take muscle protein synthesis.

4.Train hard, recover hard.

Take your workouts close to failure, or all the way to failure and allow enough rest between workouts of similar muscle groups

5. Sleep.

Sleep 7-9 hours.

This is just the tip of the iceberg and if you want more knowledge, click the image below and it will take you to a video I made on this topic ⬇️

And if you want workout programs to build muscle, hit the button below and you'll find there's no shortage of them on my website!


Time to empty your purse... cough it up 🥴


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