Time to empty your purse... cough it up 🥴
As a property owner and heavy reader into investments etc, this quote would have to be the wisest quote I have heard on the topic...
"If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it from him. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin
This is why I wake up and study every morning.
Knowledge can never be taken away from you.
It only compounds and with every lesson learnt, it just gets added on top of the pile you already know.
We look at things in two categories:
1) Things that grow in value, assets.
2) Things that shrink in value, liabilities.
Your knowledge can never decrease in value, you have it for life.
This is important on a practical level because too many people are trying to put their money to the best use possible without putting themselves to the best use possible.
Put your knowledge first and the knowledge you have will pay dividends in what you do on a day to day basis.
Which is why there is over 6 hours of educational content in any programs of mine that you purchase. So the value that you get within all of my programs only grows.
Not only do you walk away with a different body, but a different mind.
Hit the button below to see what program is best for you!