Wednesday Wisdom: The Letter That Gave Me The Warm Fuzzies

Hey mate,

Yesterday, I finally went down to the mailbox of the TBA Bodyquarters and emptied the mail that hadn't been emptied for a while.

Many of it was old dating back to 2020 but I found a hidden gem amongst the junk mail

The letter below...

I didn't read it but all I had to see was the surname of the person that received the mail, 'Simon Ashby'.

Deep down I am a very practical, science-based, common sense type of guy but the law of attraction, conspiracy theorist aspect of me came alive when I saw this.

An Ashby has been here before.

It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling that I am where I am meant to be.

Coincidence, of course! But does that take the magic out of this situation? Not for me.

Things like this can happen where you feel all of the traffic lights are green or the stars are aligning just for you but let me tell you a few things in fitness that are set and done:

- A calorie deficit must be created for fat loss to occur.

- Random workouts get results.

- Soreness is not an appropriate indicator of a good workout.

- Cardio does not need to be done to lose fat.

- BCAA's are a waste of money if you are already hitting your protein target for the day.

- Your knees can go over your toes when you are squatting

- If you aren't following a structured workout program, like the Team Brock Ashby programs, your results will suffer and you will continue to chase your tail, working out in circles.

Today is the day you start making progress, hit the button below and get started with your Team Brock Ashby Journey.


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